Pokémon: Gradation of cards
The gradation of cards is a widespread and increasing phenomenon. What is it?
Specialized authorities evaluate your cards according to various factors (Subgrade), giving them a rating of 1 to 10. The average of these sub-votes will determine the final score and therefore, the value of the card will be influenced by this. Obviously, the closer to 10, the more the card will be in perfect condition.
This service is done in a linear way:
Shipment of the cards to the grading authority
The card will be placed in a case that will be no longer open in order to ensure its legitimacy and integrity.
Let’s analyze the subgrade types:
CENTERING: Alignment and centralization of the card both in the front and back.
SURFACE: Assesses the presence of defects on the surface of the whole card.
EDGE: Analyzes the cards edges, looking for defects.
CORNERS: Evaluates the corners of the card according to their own conditions.
Below we analyze the authorities (American) of grading:
PSA: The world’s best-known grading agency, it offers service only for English and Japanese cards (except for the first base set that is rated in any language)
BGS (Beckett): An authority recognized worldwide, it accepts cards of any kind and language. It is the most prestigious authority to send cards to that are in Italian.
GRAAD: An increasing institution both for price convenience and expansion in the Italian market. It is taking hold thanks to the easiness of sending and the lack of large shipping costs and customs duties. GRAAD – certifications authenticity and rating cards
Sending cards for the grading is not easy, but there are some people to help us (the so-called Middleman) and to facilitate the delivery in bulk of cards in order to optimize costs and expenses. We can find these people in specialized groups both on Facebook and if necessary, in Discord.
They offer two types of shipment methods:
EXPRESS: Cost of 90-120€ per card. Wait about 5 weeks.
STANDARD: Cost of 25-45€ per card. Wait about 6-7 months.
Obviously, when we send cards with a fairly good value, the wait in this case is a plus for the seller. As the value of the cards will increase in the future.
Given these deadlines, GRAAD is acquiring visibility as it is based in Milan, and you just need to fill out a form and send the card following the instructions. The card will return to you in 5-15 days at a cost of 9-12€.
Last updated